DeLauro and Bilirakis Reintroduce Bipartisan Effort to Protect Children


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Jun 23, 2023

DeLauro and Bilirakis Reintroduce Bipartisan Effort to Protect Children

Earlier today, U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL-12) reintroduced the Strengthening America’s Families Act (SAFA), which would use research and the science of child

Earlier today, U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL-12) reintroduced the Strengthening America’s Families Act (SAFA), which would use research and the science of child development to transform the child welfare system.

"Facing rising costs across the country, working families are feeling economic stress which may result in adults working more or not being able to afford childcare. This means that infants and young children are being restricted to their homes due to financial pressures, a place where abuse and neglect intensify in both severity and number of cases," said Congresswoman DeLauro. "The science is clear: child abuse creates lasting trauma and has detrimental impacts on development. Who children become as adults, their ability to succeed, depends largely upon their environment as an infant and child. SAFA provides the tools to transform a system that is failing too many infants, toddlers, and children. The federal government has an obligation to use data to inform public policy, and in this case, enhance the support system of our most vulnerable."

“Now that we understand the scientific data regarding the tragic long-term consequences which can result if appropriate intervention is not provided, we have an obligation to create a system of care that will enable children who have already suffered abuse to access trauma-informed care,” said Congressman Bilirakis. “ITCTs have a proven track record of success, and I want to ensure all abused children have the benefit of accessing this highly effective resource.”

The incidence of abuse and neglect of infants is two to four times the rate for other age groups, and a third of children entering foster care each year are under age three. Child welfare advocates estimate that these numbers are significantly under-reported.

“When I began as a Florida Circuit Judge more than 30 years ago, I didn’t know the impact Judges and Court Teams could have on the trajectory of babies and their families if only we recognized that trauma, child development, and outcomes are inextricably linked,” said Lynn Tepper, retired Circuit Judge, 6th Judicial Circuit, Florida. “Healing intergenerational trauma can stop the cycle. Thankfully, I have had the opportunity to see babies, toddlers, and families heal and thrive.”

“Our niece experienced several placements in the general welfare system before she came to live with us, which left her with deep anxiety and tremendous difficulty separating from us. We got connected with our local Infant-Toddler Court Team who truly understood the mental health issues that we were seeing in her, and offered a number of supports to our family. She has blossomed. We are grateful to Rep. DeLauro for working to make this model of care for infants and toddlers in the child welfare system more widely available. Babies, toddlers and families need Infant-Toddler Court Teams.” - Makeda F., New Haven, CT

“I have never seen a program as impactful for families as Infant-Toddler Court Teams. The approach breaks down barriers and allows parents to be truly seen in a system that is often stigmatizing and intimidating for families. I have seen firsthand through my work as a Community Coordinator that this approach improves outcomes for families and changes how systems work together to better meet the needs of our youngest and most vulnerable population. I am so thankful to Rep. DeLauro for her leadership in introducing the Strengthening America’s Families Act so that more families are able to benefit from Infant-Toddler Court Teams.” - Desiree C., Milford, CT

"As a foster parent who has seen many children and families experience the dependency system - I haven't seen anything as successful and supportive as the Infant Toddler Court Teams. The Infant Toddler Court Teams set the child and family up for success, and it is a win win for everyone since children go home quicker and stay home more consistently so that they can flourish within their homes with their parents. I am so thankful for Congressman Bilirakis for pushing this bill to happen. Congressman Bilirakis is putting real change into action, and showing how he values the future of children and families in Florida, and I am so proud to be in his district.” - Kim Y., Dade City, FL

There is irrefutable scientific evidence demonstrating the clear link between child abuse and long-term, negative impacts on cognitive, physical, and emotional development. SAFA would support state and local efforts to develop and expand community-based Infant-Toddler Court Teams (ITCTs). These teams, led by judges, work collaboratively to prevent child abuse and address the physical and emotional needs of young children who have experienced trauma. The teams also endeavor to strengthen family support and prevent future abuse. Currently, ITCTs operate 101 sites in 30 states but only serve a fraction of children and families in need. SAFA would address that shortfall and expand capacity throughout the country.

Specifically, SAFA would:

Thirty-one organizations interested in the wellbeing of young children and their families have supported SAFA. In a letter led by ZERO TO THREE, the organizations outlined the need for Congress to step in and meet the urgent needs of infants and toddlers.

In their letter, the organizations wrote: “SAFA addresses generational trauma by creating an emphasis on parents’ needs as a starting point for building strong families, as well as ensuring babies have access to appropriate health and appropriate developmental supports they need to thrive. SAFA builds on a proven collaborative approach working with family court judges and community-based partners to provide families the tools they need to prevent child abuse and neglect and nurture their children. Few interventions or approaches are available to address the needs of babies in the child welfare system, whose lives are forever changed by their early adverse experiences.”

said Congresswoman DeLauro.said Congressman Bilirakistwo to four timesa third of children entering foster care said Lynn Tepper, retired Circuit Judge, 6th Judicial Circuit, Florida- Makeda F., New Haven, CT- Desiree C., Milford, CT- Kim Y., Dade City, FLIn their letter, the organizations wrote